Thursday, July 15, 2010

Impact! Design for Social Change

I am currently attending a 6-week intensive course at the Visual School of Arts in New York. This program focuses on social change and how it can be created through design.

Today is our fourth day and already we have had the opportunity to attend classes with amazing instructors and professionals in the fields of design, social advocacy, marketing and business. We have also had the chance to meet several non-profit organizations that are working hard to improve certain aspects of people's daily lives in one form or another.

Some of these organizations include:
Healthy Bodegas

I have chosen to work with Enterprise Community Partners along with two other students from Brazil. "Enterprise is the national leader in making affordable housing happen. Their mission is to create opportunity for low and moderate-income people through fit, affordable housing and diverse, thriving communities."

More on the challenges and focus of our project later...

Milton Glaser will be giving us a lecture very soon!

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